01209-703945 / enquiries@kernowlaw.uk

Helping With Your Criminal Defence Needs

About Us

Backed by decades of collective experience and dedicated to professional obligations, Kernowlaw aims to provide a 'no-nonsense' service best suited to your circumstances.

Contracted with the Legal Aid Agency

police station

Arrested or invited for interview, Kernowlaw can assist by finding out the facts and advising what your options are.

Criminal Court

Faced with a criminal charge, Kernowlaw can assess the evidence and provide you with representation in both the magistrates' and crown courts.


Motoring matters can be confusing with conflicting views and advice. Kernowlaw will give you a straightforward answer to your situation.

Military law

In trouble with Standing Orders or the Armed Forces Act, Kernowlaw has the experience to advise and assist you accordingly.

Kernowlaw is the trading name of Kernowlaw Ltd

Company No. 10394072 (England & Wales)

Registered address at Pool Innovation Centre, Trevenson Road, Redruth, TR15 3PL

Authorised & Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, Ref No. 8000530

Data Reg. No. C1193469

VAT Reg. No. 424 6713 02